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30th Jan 2024

Thank you for attending the GET group network meeting earlier this week. It was wonderful to see so many of you. The opportunity to spend some time networking in break-out rooms was positive and we will plan to include more time for that in future meetings as we move forward. I am sharing the meeting chat with you all as requested.


Thank you to those who have already completed our feedback survey, if you didn’t get a chance to complete the feedback form if you could kindly take a few minutes to do so now, it would be very much appreciated.


Please use this link to complete our Google form to:


  • Introduce yourself, and the group/organisation you are representing

  • Share a particular project or event you wish to promote

  • The Google forms will be collated and shared via a pdf with all members of the GET network and it will include contact names and email addresses


You do not need a google/gmail account to complete the form.


This is your opportunity to share your information with the GET network.


For further information on how your data will be used please refer to our CCVS privacy policy


Thank you to those who have already completed the Google form.


DEADLINE for completed Google forms is: 16th Feburary


If you have any issues with the Google Form please do get in touch and we will try to include and share your information.


Thank you to our informative and helpful speakers:


Vivienne Atkinson: Head of Grants and Operations at Cambridgeshire Community Foundation. Shared useful background and details about the Combined Auth


Nicola Ward: Director of Strategy and Development NHS Cambridgeshire and Peterborough


Val Thomas: Deputy Director of Public Health, Cambridgeshire County Council


Nicola and Val presented an informed update on the WorkWell bid and the hubs. I have attached Val’s slides.


Digital Badges and the Region of Learning


We discussed Digital Badges and the Region of Learning and I mentioned that Joanna attended the last GET Group Meeting in September. I am detailing the information below which she shared after the September meeting:


You can sign up to the Navigatr platform for free and have a look at what is on offer and the ways badges are structured.


You can attend a badge writing workshop or watch an online recording of one in your own time. Or alternatively you can meet with one of the Region of Learning team, by emailing me and we can write them with or for you based on information you provide.


In terms of funding the process, Region of Learning have secured funding to support organisations to write badges, quality assure (Badge Nation’s role)  them against the badge standard and for people on the get group, to choose a licence for a platform – which can be advised by Badge Nation. We currently have a community on the Navigatr platform, but will also have a presence on Credly and Open Badge Factory, so can support and connect all of these together dependent on need.


Our focus from January 2023 is developing pathways across providers into employment and training as well as developing our user/referral base and supporting individuals to travel down pathways to destinations.  We already have well developed relationships with virtual school and social care teams, the work with Form the Future and other council departments as well as our bank of awesome providers 51 and counting. We want to build on this to make a difference to the users and providers and make sure they can convert people’s skills into job and training opportunities.


CCVS Survey

Please take a few minutes to complete our State of the Sector Survey


We want to hear from you about how things are going in your organisation. Whether you're a charity, a community group, a CIC, a CIO or an interest club we want to know what's happening in your world. All it takes is some of your precious time to share your opinion in the annual Support Cambridgeshire survey. And here's a little incentive – you could win £100 for your organisation!


We welcome feedback from everyone in your organisation. Each person has a unique perspective based on their role and experience. You might not have all the answers, and that's okay. What you do know is valuable to us, as it gives us a comprehensive view of how the sector is managing or struggling. Feel free to pass the survey along to your colleagues and encourage them to participate, too. The survey closes on March 4th, 2023.

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