Helping adults with free reading coaching.
Read Easy, Cambridge has specially trained Coaches, who work WITH people, individually and at their own rate of learning.
Coach and Learner meet in Libraries, Community Centres and Cafes convenient to the Learner at a time to suit them. Some sessions can be delivered ‘on line’. In 2 half hour sessions a week, with all the materials provided by us, people have been amazed at the learning they have achieved. We are delighted with all the wonderful “Good News” stories of our Learners, who somehow missed out on this vital skill when they were school age.
Do you want to improve your reading/writing? Was your schooling interrupted? Perhaps your dyslexia was not diagnosed?
It’s never too late. We have helped over 100 people in Cambridge improve their life chances, be able to help their children with school work, understand form filling and enjoy reading for its own reward.
Our youngest Learner is 19 and our ‘most senior’ is 75. They are rightly proud of their fabulous achievements. Some have learnt very quickly, in just a matter of months. Others, with more complex needs may take a year or 2 but the success is just as rewarding for them and us.
We are not a Government agency, just a VOLUNTEER group who understand the power of the written word and want everyone to be able to access it. If you would like to know more, or know someone who could benefit, please get in touch: Stevie or Juliet on freephone 0300 365 0052