Bedazzle Projects
Bedazzle Projects is a registered charity (1140390). It’s primary aim is to ecourage participation in expressive arts, for all abilities, particularly for those with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities. It offers financial help for courses, events and workshops operated by its partner company: ‘Bedazzle Arts’ and its performing arts casting facility: ‘Inclusive Talent’. This collective trio creates and instigates new initiatives with emphasis on education. It has successfully created a unique inclusive Foundation Course in performing arts for 18+ for those who want to continue their eductation and steps-to-work in expressive arts. Bedazzle also has a very successful Bespoke Education programme offering up to 16-hours per week individual curriculum in all subjects; we are in partnership with Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire & Essex county and district councils. Bedazzle continues offering weekly two & three-hour Community Theatre groups - primarily a leisure and social endeavour focussing on health & wellbeing; it showcases its students’ work with an annual show ‘Imagine…’ every November at the prestigious West Road Concert Hall, Cambridge. Bedazzle Projects created Bedazzle inclusive Theatre, its first show took a group of sixteen of its students to the 2019 Edinburgh ‘Fringe’ festival with its multi-media production ‘I’m Non-typical, Typical’ where it earned a top four-star review in The Scotsman, and “…best newcomer in its class” by the Fringe Review as well as several and ongoing TV features with Sky News and BBC Look East; including a piece from Bedazzle’s patron: Dame Judi Dench. Inclusive Talent has secured scores of TV and stage placements. All Bedazzle’s educational course students who have entered exams, to date have earned a 100% pass record. Bedazzle Projects sources funding from public and private grants as well as showticket sales and private donations. Bedazzle Projects continues to fund and financially-support initiatives until they can be self-sustaining.
0204 5114500
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Members Service Areas:
Training, Learning Disability, Mental Health, Education, Arts, Employment Support
Location of Beneficiaries:
Cambridge City, South Cambridgeshire, East Cambridgeshire, Huntingtonshire, Peterbrough